First, email replaced letters.
Then instant messaging replaced email.
Then texting replaced instant messaging.
Then acronyms and abbreviations replaced actual words.
Then emojis came along and eliminated the need for
alphanumeric characters.
And now—ugh—there is this:
Yes, people have actually come up with a way to communicate
via rapid-fire selfie exchange. This is a crisis situation, folks. At this
rate, it won’t be long before the alphabet itself ceases to exist, and novels
will begin to resemble extremely complicated sets of Ikea instructions.
And thus, human civilization will come full circle.
But, as I’ve learned from working in the technology sector,
there’s no sense in fighting innovation. You can cling to your fancy stationary
and your luxury fountain pen all you want, but it’s only a matter of time before
those Snapchatting teenagers are running the world. And since they are
basically illiterate, you can plan on a total phase-out of complete sentences
by 2030.
Another thing I’ve learned from my tenure in the tech field
is that there’s one language that will never go away: the language of numbers.
Yes, your high school calculus teacher was right about one thing (and lord
knows it wasn’t acceptable combinations of plaids): math truly is the universal
So, as a preemptive move to preserve my relevancy as a human
being, I’ve started challenging myself to express my thoughts in a more graphic
fashion. And by graphic, I literally mean graphs. So instead of banging out a
long-winded narrative of my rants and raves as a gym patron, I condensed all of
my commentary into a series of graphical representations. Enjoy.