Ever since I came up with my brilliant VICKtory idea (you’re welcome, Vicks), I’ve been thinking about all the ways that other existing companies could capitalize on the growing niche market of runners.
I mean, this blog averages at least 14 readers a day—clear evidence of a huge untapped consumer base. I’ve been around this sport long enough to know that there are plenty of crazies out there who will do almost anything to gain an edge over the competition, from slathering their legs with stinky bird oil to racing in creepy face masks (I’m talking to you, Galen Rupp).
I have taken the liberty of jumpstarting this new marketing strategy on behalf of several well-known brands. By making a few minor changes to their packaging designs, the companies that produce the following items could broaden their appeal to the running population. This would potentially allow them to advertise in running-specific publications, expand the scope of their retail sales outlets to include specialty running stores, and help them score lucrative sponsorship deals with popular racing events.
Here are a few rough prototypes I’ve come up with:

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